Do you want to learn how to teach adults?

The Introduction-to-Tertiary-Teaching-Series will show you how


reach your goals. teach to inspire. lead with confidence.

Business Training by jscreationzs

Do you want to increase your skills, knowledge and understanding of how adults learn?

Do you want to teach with confidence?

Do you want to be able to present lectures or facilitate workshops?

Here is a course that will increase your skills and knowledge and understanding and enable you to teach with confidence

Arrow - BlueIn 10-weeks and 5 easy-to-understand modules, this online short course will teach you what you need to know!


Learn how to:

Icon - Check Markapply approaches to teaching adults grounded in theory

Icon - Check Markplan effective lessons

Icon - Check Markfacilitate active learning

Icon - Check Markcreate positive learning environments

Icon - Check Markmanage classroom behaviour

Icon - Check Markteach in culturally diverse classrooms

Icon - Check Markand more….


Enter your name and email address below to register your interest

Please register me for the Introduction to Tertiary Teaching Series

 Programme Costs $1999 + GST

 Arrow - BlueReceive your course content fortnightly one module at a time allowing you time to engage with content and learn at your own pace between each module.

Each module will include:

Icon - Check Markan audio-visual presentation

Icon - Check Markpowerpoint notes

Icon - Check Markdigital resources and worksheets

Icon - Check MarkQ & A live webinar


Sign up here

2014 DATES tba

Great value at $1999 + GST


During the course, you will gain knowledge about:

Icon - Check Markhow adults learn

Icon - Check Markhow to plan lessons

Icon - Check Markhow to use resources effectively

Icon - Check Markhow to manage classroom behaviour

Icon - Check Markhow to facilitate group learning

Icon - Check Markhow to approach teaching in diverse cultures and communities


for $1999 + GST

If you are not interested in registering for this particular course, but you are interested in receiving free monthly newsletters and updates about other courses, services and products on offer, please enter your name and email address below

A Gift for You : E-Book

On sign up, receive an e-copy of '7 Key Leadership Practices for ECE Leaders and Managers' to transform your leadership goals.

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